About Us

The Sperry lab specializes in the study of community-level ecological interactions and animal behavior. Our research delves into various facets of community ecology, including competition, mutualistic networks, and the ecological roles of invasive species. Utilizing cutting-edge techniques such as eDNA and metabardocing, we gain unique insights into these ecological dynamics. In addition to our ecological studies, we are committed to the conservation and understanding of endangered species. Our research extends to these crucial components of ecosystems, contributing to their conservation. We prioritize creating a welcoming and diverse environment where individuals from various backgrounds can collaborate and contribute to the advancement of ecological knowledge and conservation efforts.

Dr. Sperry is an adjunct professor at the University of Illinois in the Natural Resources and Environmental Science department. She is also a wildlife biologist for the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC-CERL) located in Champaign, IL.